Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hit list. Are you on it???

     When McDonald's first opened for business, their main target was young adults.  Young adults were the ones going to the movies and grabbing a quick bite to eat with their friends.  The meals were roughly the size of today's Happy Meals and that was enough to satisfy these young movie buffs.
     Over the years, the meals grew larger (and so did the eaters).  McDonald's was no no longer satisfied in targeting only the young movie goers for these people were now addicted to fast food, grown up and now having children.  So, McDonald's added a new population to their "hit list"-- the children.  Commercials were centered on happy children eating happy meals playing with happy toys on the happy playgrounds.  Yes, McDonald's once had a playground on virtually all of their locations.  To top it off, McDonald's even offered these children birthday parties.
     Then, as the years passed by, McDonald's started a new hit list of which Americans were no longer their sole targets.  McDonald's ventured overseas.  Overseas meant finding more victims to commercialize upon and hats off to the Golden Arches for finding such a niche.  Yes, the Asians have fallen prey to the McDonald's in China.  For a measly $1500.00 a couple can be married under the Golden Arches.  This festival event comes complete with cheeseburgers for all the guest and even a wedding cake made of pies.  These cardboard boxed pies are stacked into the design of a wedding cake of which guests may feast upon.
     Americans need not fear for McDonald's is back to targeting the Americans.  Just today, the news captured my attention as the news anchor announced the one-day-only McDonald's hiring of 50,000 Americans.  Here's a population that I never thought of targeting-- the unemployed!  I have never worked at McDonald's but I think I will call them in the morning to find out if they offer benefit packages such as free meals to those working.  I will ask if the health benefits are for those who are employed with the company for more than just a few years.  Maybe they offer fitness packages as well?  But, then, the news anchor went on to inform me that McDonald's does have a 90% turn-over rate.  I wonder why?

1 comment:

  1. I think they really do get a free meal while they're working, haha.
